Calm has partnered with Chegg to provide free access to Calm Premium content for eligible Chegg Subscribers.
NOTE: Calm through Chegg will no longer be available for new redemption after November 10, 2024. Existing Chegg Subscribers who have current Calm premium access will have their Premium account expire November 25-December 25 based on the access activation date.
What happens to my Calm subscription?
Subscribers will start losing access to Calm starting November 25 through December 25 depending on the activation date. When that happens, you will no longer have access to Calm Premium. If you have any questions, please reach out to us here for assistance.
How do I subscribe to Calm if I wish to continue?
Current Calm users can directly purchase a Calm premium subscription here at any time, without losing saved favorites, downloads, or session history.
For more information about our partnerships:
Please visit Calm through a Partner FAQ
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