Zen Mode is the way to listen to and enjoy our background Scenes without any buttons or widgets in the foreground of the image.
Zen Mode in the app:
To use Calm in Zen Mode on your mobile device, head to your Calm app's home page and tap the background in a space without icons. This will remove all buttons and icons from your screen and allow you to view your Scene without disruption. You can also enter Zen Mode by turning your phone to landscape (horizontally). The ability to view background Scenes in landscape mode has been temporarily disabled for Android devices to optimize app performance. To exit Zen Mode, tap your home screen again while holding your phone in portrait (vertically).
Zen Mode on the website:
If you'd like to use Zen Mode on a desktop in your browser window, simply go to https://www.calm.com/app/scenes and select the scene you'd like to view. Next, make sure the box labeled "Show scenes when idle" is marked. Then, head to the Home screen and wait 15 seconds, making sure not to move your cursor. The buttons will fade and you can enjoy the scene distraction-free. 😌
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