Do you find yourself mindlessly checking websites? Do you want to break that habit? Habit research has shown that the best way to reduce a bad habit is to replace it with a better one. So, instead of mindlessly going to a website, try first to take a few deep breaths! Deep breathing makes you calm and more mindful of your true intentions. If you still want to go to that website, no big deal. What is important is that you are doing it mindfully, not because you were momentarily feeling bored, distracted, stuck, frustrated, anxious, depressed, etc.
This chrome extension works by redirecting you to our Breathe Bubble any time you try going to a website on your blocked list (we preloaded it with a set of potential websites but you can add or delete as many as you want). After a preset number of breaths (you choose the number), you will be able to 1) close the webpage if you realized you were just mindlessly checking, 2)click to carry on to the website, 3) go to a calming nature scene for a different type of break, or 4) do a short, guided meditation.
How to add:
Add the Calm Chrome Extension by going to
Edit Options:
If you would like to edit which pages the Breathe Bubble is activated on either click on the Calm icon in the upper right side of your browser then select settings or go to chrome://extensions and tap 'Options' under 'Calm for Chrome'. You can also change the number of breaths.
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