Help! Why is content stopping in the middle of playing?
This issue often happens due to a brief interruption in your internet connection. Please try quitting and restarting the app while making sure you have a strong internet connection, as this may resolve the issue. If not, you can also try deleting any sessions you may have in your 'Downloads', then playing the session again. To do so, please follow the steps below:
- Tap 'Profile'
- Tap the gear icon in the upper left corner
- Tap 'Downloads'
Under 'Downloads,' you will see options to delete our different types of content. Tap the option you would like to remove from your downloaded files. Once sessions or scenes are deleted, they can be re-downloaded at any time.
Android-specific instructions:
If you're experiencing interruptions while listening to a session, this may have to do with the battery usage settings you have set for Calm. Please go to: Settings -> Apps, find Calm, and click on 'Optimize battery usage'. From here you'll want to make sure Calm is not set to 'optimize'.
If that doesn't fix the issue, please confirm that background restrictions are also turned off. You can update this by going to Settings -> Apps -> Calm -> Advanced. If you're still having trouble, please click here.
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